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Afghan Journalists In Exile Network


Following the fall of Kabul in mid-August 2021, the situation of Afghan media and the freedom of speech worsens every day. The Taliban has imposed strict rules on journalists and media outlets and has tightened the space for them. Findings by Reporters without Borders show that at least 231 media outlets have been closed and over 6,400 journalists and media workers, including women, have lost their jobs under Taliban rule in the last nine months. Under Taliban restrictions, remaining media outlets in Afghanistan are in the last stage of their toleration due to increasing limitations by the regime, leaving journalists with no option but to avoid covering violent incidents by the ruling government due to the threat to their lives. Moreover, increasing unemployment and poverty have pushed many journalists to change their careers and start unwanted labour like shoe shining, working in restaurants, and others. In many cases, they are not allowed to work in the media. Meanwhile, those journalists who have left the country last August are looking on ways to continue their careers as journalists; however, they are faced with a state of confusion due to the burden of issues confronting them as refugees. Therefore, a group of Afghan journalists outside Afghanistan decided to establish the Afghan Journalists in Exile Network (AJEN) to support journalists in Afghanistan.


• Our main focus is to cover stories and cases from Afghanistan that are otherwise censored within the country or are totally neglected for security reasons. These stories/cases will be published on AJEN website.
• In terms of preparing reports and findings, the main focus is to cover incidents involving violation of human rights, women’s rights and journalists’ rights, and in general, constant coverage of harsh incidents happening in Afghanistan.
• Through this network, exiled journalists in Europe and the US will find an opportunity to work for freedom of speech in
• Afghan journalists who are in Afghanistan can also benefit from AJEN as they will work with us and can be supported financially. We will not reveal their real names on any of their stories from inside the country to ensure their safety.
• Afghan Journalists in Exile Network will work closely with international institutions to share with them stories, articles, reports and information collected by its members, and to provide them with access to human resources of the organization across Afghanistan.
• Meanwhile, the formation of the association will be a crucial step to help those journalists who are still in Afghanistan, especially for those who face immediate risk to their lives and need support for their evacuation.
• The association will work closely with relevant international organizations to address journalist’s and media workers’ cases, listen to their issues and make efforts so that they are addressed.
• “The voice of Afghanistan for freedom of speech will never be silenced” will be the main slogan for commencing the activities Afghan Journalists in Exile Network.


• To ensure better coordination with journalists based in Europe, the main office of the Afghan Journalists in Exile Network will be located in Paris.
• The association will work independently while maintaining strong ties with relevant international institutions.
• Reports and findings of researches conducted by the network will be published on its official website and social media platforms.

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